Compassionate Communities Conversations get underway

Compassionate Communities Conversations get underway

Compassionate Communities are everyone’s business, that’s me, you, all individuals, families, peers, neighbourhoods, workplaces, schools, health services, government, faith based, voluntary and other organisations and services. Each month the CCAus team will be having...
Launch of Compassionate Communities Australia

Launch of Compassionate Communities Australia

Steve Arnott, Harpreet Kalsi-Smith, Rob McKenzie, Prof Samar Aoun, His Excellency the Honourable Chris Dawson AC APM, Mrs Darrilyn Dawson, Dr Jo Doran, Dr Stephen Ginsborg Weaving connection and compassion across Australia as we live, care, die and grieve together...
Talking about death

Talking about death

These projects provide opportunities to have a conversation about caring, dying and grieving. Dying to Know Day (August 8) A grassroots campaign that anyone can get involved in to build local connections and conversations in place (communities, health services and...
Caring for others

Caring for others

At times we will be the carer, at times we will be the one being cared for.  Sometimes we need to reach out to care for the carer. Weavers offers 1-1 peer support for Carers from someone who has been a Carer. Carers Australia represents Australia’s unpaid...