Compassionate Communities Conversations #2

CCAus had a great start to our Conversation series with the team from Hummingbird House (paediatric hospice in Queensland) who spoke of their commitment to Compassionate Communities practice in creating communities of care. You can watch it here.

CCAus is excited to share that for Conversation #2 on August 6 (12.30pm AEST) we will be speaking with Dr Aditi Sethi who inspired an entire community of strangers to care for Ethan Sisser in his final days. From being Ethan’s hospice doctor, she became his death doula. His friend. Ethan shared his final days with the world in the film The Last Ecstatic Days (see below).

Aditi is now a champion for community supported end-of-life care. She will join us for a conversation with CCAus Director, and palliative care physician, Dr Jo Doran.

Register HERE

“All of us know we will die one day. Few of us think of death as something we can prepare for, and meet with the support of our communities. We return to a place of wholeness in our relationship with death by reorienting ourselves to it, as individuals and communities.” – Aditi Sethi

The film The Last Ecstatic Days is an uplifting celebration of love and community 

Experience the healing that comes as friends, family and countless strangers make their way to visit Ethan in his final days. Alongside them are the eyes of the online world, as Ethan bravely embraces his legacy and gets his final wish -to live-stream his departure, and his gratitude, with the world.

The Australian film premiere will be on August 8, Dying to Know Day. This will be an online showing of the film plus panel discussion with CCAus Director and palliative care physician, Dr Jo Doran and others.

CCAus is sponsoring a FREE online viewing of this film for up to 150 members of the community on Sunday August 11 at 7pm (AEST) / (5pm WST)

Register HERE

You can watch the trailer here. For more information about scheduled screenings or to make a booking to share the film with your community please go to

If you are part of a Compassionate Community we would love to hear from you.

We are creating a directory of people, groups and organisations that are actively engaging or supporting Compassionate Communities. This directory will be your go to place if you want to find out who else is interested and taking action in your patch be it a town, city, state or the whole of Australia. For more info and
to register go to:


South West Compassionate Communities Network (SWCCN)

The SWCCN has been championing a Compassionate Communities approach to caring, dying and grieving since 2018. They have facilitated many education programs and implemented and evaluated how Compassionate Communities Connectors can support those living withchronic or terminal illness.The Bunbury Charter and Toolkit which were endorsed by the City of Bunbury. To find out more about this energised community group go to

Have your say

There has been a high level of interest in CCAus since our launch and we are in the process of connecting with the many people who have reached out.

Over the coming months the CCAus board will embark on strategic planning to guide our organisation over the next 3 years.

The CCAus Directors would like anyone with an interest in Compassionate Communities to share your thoughts on our future direction via our online questionnaire.

Thank you!

Learn more, get involved

The theme for the 8th Public Health Palliative Care Conference 2024 is BUILDING BRIDGES BETWEEN PEOPLE AND SCIENCE and will take place between October 22nd and 25th 2024 in Bern, Switzerland.

The biennial Public Health Palliative Care International conference will focus on highlighting and strengthening the value and importance of the end of life in science and society. Experts and interested professionals from around the world will discuss current and future research and education topics and their transfer to society as “compassionate cities.”

In addition the city festival “ultimately.human” will take place from October 21st to 25th and invites the population to engage creatively and openly with the topics of dying, death and mourning through themed walks, productions, concerts, readings and art projects that encourage people to engage with the end of life.

For more info go to

Acting with kindness and compassion has a profound effect on everyone’s health and well-being.

~ Dr Stephen Ginsborg, CCAus Director

Dr Stephen Ginsborg
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Compassionate Communities Australia is a registered charity. If you would like to support what we do then we would love to hear from you. Contact us on